Hawaii is a popular destination for tourists, but many people don’t realize that it is also an amazing place to start and grow a business. With its low taxes, beautiful scenery, and unique culture, starting a business in Hawaii can be the perfect opportunity to thrive and help the local economy. Here are some of the best industries to consider if you want your business to grow fast in Hawaii.


No list of the best industries to grow fast in Hawaii would be complete without mentioning tourism. This industry is already booming on the islands, with over 9 million visitors each year. There are plenty of opportunities for small businesses that cater to tourists, such as tour companies, restaurants, hotels and resorts, rental properties, souvenir stores, and retail shops. Additionally, there are plenty of lucrative opportunities for entrepreneurs who want to provide services or experiences catering specifically to tourists; things like kayak tours or guided hikes through volcanoes can draw in lots of customers from all over the world. 


Hawaii has become an attractive hub for tech companies looking for new places to expand their operations. Companies like Oracle and Google have already set up shop here due to the state’s favorable tax environment and access to both domestic and international markets. Additionally, Hawaii’s abundant renewable energy resources make it an ideal place for tech companies looking to reduce their carbon footprint while still being able to access global markets quickly and easily. For entrepreneurs looking to get into this sector on a smaller scale, there are plenty of opportunities available; from app development studios to software engineering firms there is something here for everyone interested in taking advantage of this rapidly growing industry. 

Agriculture & Aquaculture     

Hawaii has a long history of successful agriculture thanks largely due its unique climate and geography. From coffee beans grown on the slopes of Mauna Kea volcano on the Big Island all the way up north on Kauai where pineapple has been harvested since ancient times; you can find almost any type of crop growing somewhere on these islands. The aquaculture industry has also seen explosive growth recently thanks largely in part due its abundance of pristine ocean waters filled with fish ready for harvest by commercial fishermen or farmed by aquaculturists who breed various species such as shrimp or oysters right offshore. For entrepreneurs interested in getting into either agriculture or aquaculture there are plenty of resources available including grants from local government agencies designed specifically to help new businesses get started or expand existing operations quickly and efficiently. 

The Hawaiian Islands offer so much potential for entrepreneurs looking to start or grow their businesses quickly and easily! Whether you’re interested in a career in technology or agriculture/aquaculture there’s surely something here that will fit your needs perfectly! There are plenty of resources available including grants from local government agencies designed specifically to help new businesses get started or expand existing operations quickly and efficiently so don’t wait! Take advantage today by exploring all that Hawaii has offer small business owners!